Heat Death of the Universe
Heat Death of the Universe is a tragicomic End-Times-inspired podcast about a wide range of subjects falling under the enormous Janus-faced purview of cultural and political commentary.
Heat Death of the Universe
We glance into the fascinating and interlinked historical events of the Business Plot (to overthrow FDR's White House on behalf of a handful of wealthy industrialists), the Bonus Army's March upon Washington DC, and the figure of Major General Smedley Darlington Butler and his rallying cry against the profit motive as connected to warfare, in his book War is a Racket.
General Recommendations
- JD's Recommendation: Internet Archive: Classic PC Games
- JNM's Recommendation: They Shall Not Grow Old
Further Reading, Viewing, Listening
- War is a Racket by Smedley Butler (PDF)
- The 1932 Bonus Army: Black and White Americans Unite in March on Washington
- The Sad Tale of the Bonus Marchers
- Excerpt from The Corporation on "The Business Plot" and Smedley Butler
- Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - The Business Plot
- The Bonus Army: An American Epic - A Presentation by the book's authors
Locationless Locations
- Every show-related link is corralled and available here.
- Heat Death of the Universe - @heatdeathpod
- JD Newland - @jdnewland
- Joshua Nomen-Mutatio - @ImbalancingAct
- Please send all Letters of Derision, Indifference, Inquiry, Mild Elation, et cetera to: heatdeathoftheuniversepodcast@gmail.com