Heat Death of the Universe
Heat Death of the Universe is a tragicomic End-Times-inspired podcast about a wide range of subjects falling under the enormous Janus-faced purview of cultural and political commentary.
Heat Death of the Universe
167 - Live Every Day Like It's Kristallnacht at KFC
Fuck the midterms. Slavery now illegal in 3 of 4 states. Man steals own car. Shooting the homeless now a misdemeanor. Hero unleashes bees at eviction cops. Hero throws can of 'White Claw' at Ted Cruz during baseball parade. KFC urges German customers to celebrate Kristallnacht with cheesy chicken. Advertising in space, the future is now! More nonsense from the new CEO of Twitter. Crypto con-artist loses all his dang money. US & EU reps forced to grovel to Maduro for oil, please, Mr. Real Presidente, sir. Digital artist's AI that creates infinite conversations, one on display now between Werner Herzog & Zizek. Park rangers battle desperate DMT junkies in the great psychedelic toad wars. Giant silver orbs break free & terrify the streets of London. 2022 Ig Nobel Awards briefly discussed.
General Recommendations
- JD's Recommendation: The Dragon Prince
- JNM's Recommendations: 1) Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities - Episode 7, "The Viewing" (Directed by Panos Cosmatos) & 2) "Corruption exposed: US meddled in Ecuador's election, using Julian Assange as bargaining chip" by Ben Norton (Video) (Article)
Further Reading, Viewing, Listening
- The Midterms Are No Victory for the Democrats, but...
- Slavery now prohibited
- Slavery rejected in some, not all, states where it was on the ballot
- Black man handcuffed after car Montreal police thought was stolen ended up being his
- Nashville Porsche driver gets probation for shooting homeless man who asked her to lower music, move car
- Woman charged with sending bee swarm on deputies at eviction
- Sen. Ted Cruz hit by flying ‘White Claw’ at Astros’ World Series parade
- KFC Apologizes For Using Kristallnacht To Promote Cheesy Chicken In Germany
- Space ads could earn $2 million a day
- Elon Musk sells $1 million worth of new perfume, 'Burnt Hair'
- Europe & US meet with Venezuela’s real President Maduro – desperate for lower oil prices, their coup attempt falters
- infiniteconversation.com
- National Park Service Begs Visitors: Please Stop Licking These Psychedelic Toads