Heat Death of the Universe
Heat Death of the Universe is a tragicomic End-Times-inspired podcast about a wide range of subjects falling under the enormous Janus-faced purview of cultural and political commentary.
Heat Death of the Universe
092 - The Last Gasp of the Bush Years or: Where the Laughter Died feat. Boomer Death Squad
We discuss our viewing of the abysmal, terminally unfunny, conservative skewering of 2000s era liberalism An American Carol. We take a crack at what exactly it is that keeps certain political comedy from being funny and ideologically coherent at the same time, and what renders certain comedy toothless and painfully unfunny. Nevertheless, we keep things pretty loose and digressive in the spirit of mutually celebrating a year in podcasting with our pals Danny, Joe and Matt from Boomer Death Squad.
General Recommendations
- JD's Recommendation: Doom Patrol
- JNM's Recommendation: Jodorowsky's Dune
- Danny's Recommendations: 1) Dune 2) Libra
- Matt's Recommendation: Tyler, the Creator - Call Me If You Get Lost
- Joe's Recommendations: 1) One Piece 2) Genshin Impact
More from Boomer Death Squad
- Twitter: @BoomerDeathPod
- Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/boomerdeathsquad
- Discord: discord.gg/WkuHgEckkX
Locationless Locations
- heatdeathpod.com
- Heat Death of the Universe - @heatdeathpod
- Please send all Letters of Derision, Indifference, Inquiry, Mild Elation, et cetera to: heatdeathoftheuniversepodcast@gmail.com